CIrcularité des BÉtons pRéfabriqués

Circularity of prefabricated concrete

As a means of responding to the high consumption of aggregates of natural origin in the construction sector, the increasing use of recycled aggregates is becoming a necessity. To bring this about, Wanty & Defour, who recently developed a process for recycling the  de-construction waste stream within the scope of research undertaken with the CTP (SOVALMIN and OPTIDEMO projects), will work to improve the quality of the aggregates produced to upcycle them in outlets with more high value added, in other words prefabricated concrete for structural pieces of vast sizes (bridge decks, supporting lintels, hollow clay blocks, flooring, de-constructable modular blocks), in collaboration with Roosens.

However, beyond utilization in already commercialised structural pieces, the partners will also look to develop new more innovative structural elements within construction, taking the form of scalable blocks of large dimensions, with the ambition of improving the modalities of implementation and de-construction (eco-design concept) in order to permit their reuse. This approach will enable the imagining of a circular valorisation, not only of aggregates, but also of finished products via their reuse, in the construction sector (Cradle to Cradle approach).