Durable management of cross-border sediments

The management of dredging sediments is a particularly sensitive problem in the Nord Pas de Calais and Wallonia regions. In fact, the waterways of these 2 regions are the site of very high sedimentation owing to their low relief and a significant inflow of suspended solids of natural origin (water erosion of the land, the production of aquatic biomass and the products of decomposition, etc.) and anthropogenic origin (soil sealing, agricultural practices encouraging surface run-off, industrial waste and wastewater, etc.). The origin and the properties of these materials turn them into sinks and potential sources of pollutants (hydrocarbons, PAH, PCB, MTE, etc.) and their sedimentation can affect navigation, increase the risk of flooding, and harm the quality of water and the life of aquatic organisms.

The project aimed to encourage better cohesion between the management of canals at the Euro region level, whilst taking into account the regulatory and societal characteristics specific to each country.