Research & Development

Are you looking for innovative recycling and upcycling solutions for your industrial waste?

An expert in recycling and the circularity of materials, whether they are of mineral or plastic origin, the Centre offers you made-to-measure and practical studies in order to respond to the issues of the scarcity of resources and the reduction of business companies’ carbon footprint.

To see your projects through to the end, from the setting-up (writing a case file, the search for funding, for partners) to the realization and appropriate application of the results, a genuine partnership will be established.

The CTP is today providing assistance to industrialists for their R&D projects. In most cases, the projects draw on innovation support schemes established by the Walloon Region (SPW-EER). We could, for example, cite, types of aid, technical support designed for SMEs, industrial research or experimental development accessible to both SMEs and large businesses, the C-WALity programme in which a company collaborates with a research centre, or the Marshall plan projects through the Greenwin and Mécatech hubs.

The CTP can also, through its Research Tax Credit (CIR) accreditation, collaborate with French companies engaged in R&D activities.